Monday, April 6, 2009

Paul Klee Fire in the Evening

Paul Klee Fire in the EveningPaul Klee FarbtafelClaude Monet Haystack at Giverny
never should have listened to that lawyer! I should have known nothing good ever comes in a long brown envelope! And I can’t reach the bloody thing anyway!’
‘Can ‘t you jump?’ said Windle.
‘Can’t you drop dead?’
‘And I’m not jumping!’
‘Fly, then. Turn into a bat and fly.’
‘I can’t get the airspeed!’
‘You held him by the ears like a misshapen bowling ball and tried to take aim.
‘Remember - I’m an endangered species!’ the Count squeaked, as Windle brought his arm back.
It was an accurate throw. Arthur fluttered to the disc in the ceiling and gripped it in his claws.
‘Can you move it?’could throw him up,’ said Ludmilla. ‘You know, like a paper dart.’‘Blow that! I’m a count!’‘You just said you didn’t want to be,’ said Windle mildly.‘On the ground I don’t want to be, but when it comes to being chucked around like a frisbee -‘‘Arthur! Do what Mr Poons says!’‘I don’t see way -‘‘Arthur!’Arthur as a bat was surprisingly heavy. Windle

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