Thursday, March 12, 2009

William Beard Phantom Crane

William Beard Phantom CraneWilliam Beard OwlsWilliam Beard Majestic Stag
him, are you? Death's assistant?'
'Yes. Off duty at the moment, though.'
'Pleased to have existed.'
'She'll suddenly die?'
'You don't quite understand. She will have been dead for a week. All this —' he waved his hands vaguely in the air – 'will not have happened. The assassin will have done his job. You will have done yours. History will have healed itself. Everything will be all right. From History's point of view, that is. There really isn't any other.'hear it.'Cutwell shut the door behind them and fumbled for a candlestick. There was a pop, a flash of blue light and a whimper.'Sorry,' he said, sucking his fingers. 'Fire spell. Never really got the hang of it.''You were expecting the dome thing, weren't you?' said Mort urgently. 'What will happen when it closes in?'The wizard sat down heavily on the remains of a bacon sandwich.'I'm not exactly sure,' he said. 'It'll be interesting to watch. But not from inside, I'm afraid. What I think will happen is that the last week will never

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