Monday, February 16, 2009

Unknown Artist Pink Floyd Back Catalogue

Unknown Artist Pink Floyd Back CatalogueVincent van Gogh Wheat Field with Rising SunVincent van Gogh Wheat Field 1889
telling her about electrons, she said expertly, "Yes, they're negatively charged particles. Sort of like Dust, except that Dust isn't charged."
As soon as she said that, Mrs. Coulter's daemon snapped his head up to look at her, and all the golden fur on his little body stood up, bristling, as if it were charged itself. Mrs. Coulter laid a hand on his back.
"Dust?" she said.
"Yeah. You know, from space, that Dust."
"What do "Yes, it might have been. Or else it might've been just in passing. Yes. I think that was it. This Scholar, I think he was from New Denmark, he was talking to the Chaplain about Dust and I was just passing and it sounded interesting so I couldn't help stopping to listen. That's what it was."you know about Dust, Lyra?""Oh, that it comes out of space, and it lights people up, if you have a special sort of camera to see it by. Except not children. It doesn't affect children.""Where did you learn that from?"By now Lyra was aware that there was a powerful tension in the room, because Pantalaimon had crept ermine-like onto her lap and was trembling violently."Just someone in Jordan," Lyra said vaguely. "I forget who. I think it was one of the Scholars.""Was it in one of your lessons?"

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