Sunday, January 11, 2009

Juan Gris Violin and Guitar

Juan Gris Violin and GuitarJuan Gris Violin and GlassJuan Gris Violin and Checkerboard
This is a great position that lets him know you are ready and willing tofulfill his every sexual desire.Here's What You Need:One bedTwo pillows.Here's How You Do It:Get your man naked. You, too.Both of you get on the bed and begin making love.Sliding on your back, maneuver your head to the edge of the bed. Placethe two This is a great technique every time you do it for your man -- but the firsttime is always the best. The trick is not letting him in on what you'redoing ahead of time. It may take a couple of minutes to make thepillows on the floor underneath your head. Keep sliding untilyour head and shoulders go over the edge and down onto the pillows(only the lower half of your body should still be on the bed).Your man should remain on the bed completely, on top of you. Thisposition will stretch you in a way he'll find incredibly pleasurable.Continue until you've got your man over a barrel.

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