Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Machado Beer Head to Head

Machado Beer Head to HeadMachado Bar in CopacabanaMachado Atelier in MontmartreMachado Asppetando l'Ariuo di Marco Polo
, they were punished, and cruelly," said Griphook indifferently.

   "They're okay, though?" asked Ted quickly, "I mean, the Weasleys don't need any more of their kids injured, do they?"

"They suffered no serious injury, as far as I am aware," said Griphook.
"Hard to know what to believe these days," muttered Dirk.    "I know Harry Potter," said Dean. "And I reckon he's the real thing—the Chosen One, or whatever you want to call it."
   "Lucky for them," said Ted. "With Snape's track record I suppose we should just be glad they're still alive."

   "You believe that story, then, do you, Ted?" asked Dirk." You believe Snape killed Dumbledore?

   "Course I do," said Ted. "You're not going to sit there and tell me you think Potter had anything to do with it?"

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