Monday, October 20, 2008

Vincent van Gogh Red vineyards painting

Vincent van Gogh Red vineyards painting
Vincent van Gogh Mulberry Tree painting
Haterius excelled in parody. He had an enormous voice, a comic face, and great fertility of invention. Whenever Tiberius in his speeches introduced any painfully farfetched or archaic phrase Haterius would pick it up and make it the key-word of his reply. (Augustus had always said that the wheels of Haterius's eloquence needed a dragchain even when he was driving uphill.) The slow-witted Tiberius was no match for Haterius. Callus's gift was for mock zeal. Tiberius was extremely careful not to appear a candidate for any divine honours and refused to allow himself to be spoken about as if he had any
Vincent van Gogh Bedroom Arles painting
superhuman attributes: he did not even allow the provincials to build him temples. Gallus was therefore fond of referring, as if accidentally, to Tiberius as "His Sacred Majesty". When Haterius, who was always ready to carry on the gag, rose to rebuke him for this incorrect way of speaking he would apologize profusely and say that nothing was farther from his mind than to do anything in disobedience of the orders of His Sacred… oh, dear, it was so easy to fall into that mistaken way of speaking, a thousand apologies once more… he meant, contrary to the wishes of his honoured friend and fellow-senator Tiberius Nero Caesar Augustus.

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