Friday, September 5, 2008

Dirck Bouts paintings

Dirck Bouts paintings
Dante Gabriel Rossetti paintings
Daniel Ridgway Knight paintings
"If nobody minds," I said, "I want to be called George from now on."
Max nodded. "That's good as you could do."
I found myself then unspeakably fatigued, and proposed we go. Standing was one thing, walking another; Max fetched George Herrold to help, but even with their joint support I got no farther than the drinking-fountain before I was exhausted. Still I refused to go on all fours.
"So let your namesake carry you," Max suggested. And when I was fetched up in the black man's arms he said, "Now wait: I do something important." He wet his fingers at the running fountain. "When the Enochists name a child," he said soberly, "they take it to a Founder's hall and spritz some special water on its head; and they say a thing likeDear Founder please drive out the old goat from this kid, and keep the Dean o' Flunks off him, and help him pass the Finals and sit with you and Enos Enoch on Founder's Hill for ever andever. Well, so, this is just good drinking-water here, and instead of a Founder's hall we got a library. With a crazySchwarzer for your Founder-father and a tired old Moishian

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